Securing the long-term future of Wellesbourne Mountford Airfield

We’re delighted to present for public consultation our proposals for the evolution of Wellesbourne Mountford Airfield, including the creation of a contemporary aviation destination and a new, high-quality employment park.

Our plans seek to ensure the long-term viability of the airfield through the delivery of a new runway and enhanced facilities, made possible with the introduction of new employment development creating up to 3,200 high-skilled jobs locally.

Our proposals include:

  • the modernisation and reorganisation of the airfield
  • a new runway and enhanced aviation facilities
  • high-quality industrial and logistics employment development
  • a range of sustainability and wellness & wellbeing features

Visit our public exhibition

We’re passionate about local consultation and would like to hear
your views before we submit a planning application to Stratford-on-Avon District Council in the coming weeks.

You can read all about our proposals on this website, but we would also love for you to come and discuss our plans at (location) on:

Thursday 22nd June xpm-xpm
Friday 23rd June xpm- xpm

Feedback forms will be provided at the exhibition, but you can
also send us your comments via the feedback form on this website.

Please return any responses by Friday 23rd June 2023.

About us

These proposals are being brought forward via a partnership between the UK’s largest land promoter, Gladman, and Midlands-based leading commercial property developer, Stoford.

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The runway

The runway configuration laid down during wartime was clearly established for very different purposes than the recreational flying and very occasional business flights that it has attracted in more recent times. We plan to build a modern, purpose-built, single runway, with the circuit no longer requiring any over flying of Wellesbourne or Charlecote.
The new run

Policy context

Our proposals have been developed in accordance with Policy AS.9 of the Stratford-on-Avon District Council Core Strategy, which seeks to retain and support the enhancement of the established flying functions and aviation related facilities at Wellesbourne Airfield.way will be xxx and xxx.